Robert Crisp
Robert Crisp was born in South Africa and illustrated his first comic booklet in grade 8. He went on to study fine art in Rustenburg and spent two years in the military as a pathfinder for a parachute battalion. Robert back-packed across Europe and around the Mediterranean for several years were he met his wife, Eilat, his compass north. He also studied Technical Drawing, Graphic Airbrushing and Animation, finally gravitating to Cartooning. Robert has published a book of collective cartoons, elaborate cartoon puzzle masterpieces as well as strip comics for Editorials. Robert lives in Johannesburg as a professional cartoonist, still loving and concentrating on the pursuit of drawing fine details of things people do and things people make. "Cartoons offer a distraction from reality, providing a safe refuge that enables one to laugh in the face of adversity and turn what could be the dark side of day to day life into a sunny side up."